Package | Description |
org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream |
This package contains provides classes for working with content streams.
org.apache.pdfbox.examples.rendering | |
org.apache.pdfbox.examples.util |
The packages in this package will show how to use the PDFBox util API.
org.apache.pdfbox.multipdf | |
org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel |
The PDModel package represents a high level API for creating and manipulating PDF documents.
org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.documentinterchange.logicalstructure |
The logical structure package provides a mechanism for incorporating
structural information about a document's content into a PDF file.
org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.annotation |
The annotation package contains classes that work with PDF annotation elements.
org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.digitalsignature.visible |
This is the visual signature part that help creating the visual representation for the digital signature.
org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.destination |
The destination package allows destinations into a pdf document to be specified.
org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline |
The outline package allows for a PDF outline(bookmarks) to be created.
org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.pagenavigation |
A package to allow provide access to PDF page navigation functionality.
org.apache.pdfbox.preflight.content | |
org.apache.pdfbox.preflight.font.util | |
org.apache.pdfbox.preflight.process | |
org.apache.pdfbox.preflight.process.reflect | |
org.apache.pdfbox.rendering | |
org.apache.pdfbox.text |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PDPage |
Returns the current page.
protected PDPage |
Returns the page.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
PDFStreamEngine.processChildStream(PDContentStream contentStream,
PDPage page)
Process a child stream of the given page.
void |
PDFStreamEngine.processPage(PDPage page)
This will initialise and process the contents of the stream.
Constructor and Description |
PDFGraphicsStreamEngine(PDPage page)
Constructor and Description |
CustomGraphicsStreamEngine(PDPage page)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
PDFHighlighter.endPage(PDPage pdPage)
End a page.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PDOptionalContentGroup |
LayerUtility.appendFormAsLayer(PDPage targetPage,
PDFormXObject form,
AffineTransform transform,
String layerName)
Places the given form over the existing content of the indicated page (like an overlay).
PDFormXObject |
LayerUtility.importPageAsForm(PDDocument sourceDoc,
PDPage page)
Imports a page from some PDF file as a Form XObject so it can be placed on another page
in the target document.
protected void |
Splitter.processPage(PDPage page)
Interface to start processing a new page.
void |
LayerUtility.wrapInSaveRestore(PDPage page)
Some applications may not wrap their page content in a save/restore (q/Q) pair which can
lead to problems with coordinate system transformations when content is appended.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PDPage |
PDPageTree.get(int index)
Returns the page at the given index.
PDPage |
PDDocument.getPage(int pageIndex)
Returns the page at the given index.
PDPage |
PDDocument.importPage(PDPage page)
This will import and copy the contents from another location.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<PDPage> |
Returns an iterator which walks all pages in the tree, in order.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PDPageTree.add(PDPage page)
Adds the given page to this page tree.
void |
PDDocument.addPage(PDPage page)
This will add a page to the document.
PDPage |
PDDocument.importPage(PDPage page)
This will import and copy the contents from another location.
int |
PDPageTree.indexOf(PDPage page)
Returns the index of the given page, or -1 if it does not exist.
void |
PDPageTree.insertAfter(PDPage newPage,
PDPage prevPage)
Insert a page after another page within a page tree.
void |
PDPageTree.insertBefore(PDPage newPage,
PDPage nextPage)
Insert a page before another page within a page tree.
void |
PDPageTree.remove(PDPage page)
Removes the given page from the page tree.
void |
PDDocument.removePage(PDPage page)
Remove the page from the document.
Constructor and Description |
PDPageContentStream(PDDocument document,
PDPage sourcePage)
Create a new PDPage content stream.
PDPageContentStream(PDDocument document,
PDPage sourcePage,
boolean appendContent,
boolean compress)
PDPageContentStream(PDDocument document,
PDPage sourcePage,
boolean appendContent,
boolean compress,
boolean resetContext)
PDPageContentStream(PDDocument document,
PDPage sourcePage,
PDPageContentStream.AppendMode appendContent,
boolean compress)
Create a new PDPage content stream.
PDPageContentStream(PDDocument document,
PDPage sourcePage,
PDPageContentStream.AppendMode appendContent,
boolean compress,
boolean resetContext)
Create a new PDPage content stream.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PDPage |
Returns the page on which some or all of the content items designated by
the K entry shall be rendered (Pg).
PDPage |
Gets the page.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PDStructureElement.setPage(PDPage page)
Sets the page on which some or all of the content items designated by
the K entry shall be rendered (Pg).
void |
PDMarkedContentReference.setPage(PDPage page)
Sets the page.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PDPage |
This will retrieve the corresponding page of this annotation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PDAnnotation.setPage(PDPage page)
This will set the corresponding page for this annotation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PDPage |
Returns document page.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PDVisibleSigBuilder.createSignature(PDSignatureField pdSignatureField,
PDPage page,
String signatureName) |
void |
PDFTemplateBuilder.createSignature(PDSignatureField pdSignatureField,
PDPage page,
String signatureName)
Creates PDSignatureField.
void |
PDVisibleSigBuilder.createTemplate(PDPage page) |
void |
PDFTemplateBuilder.createTemplate(PDPage page)
Creates template using page.
void |
PDVisibleSigBuilder.injectProcSetArray(PDFormXObject innerForm,
PDPage page,
PDResources innerFormResources,
PDResources imageFormResources,
PDResources holderFormResources,
COSArray procSet) |
void |
PDFTemplateBuilder.injectProcSetArray(PDFormXObject innerForm,
PDPage page,
PDResources innerFormResources,
PDResources imageFormResources,
PDResources holderFormResources,
COSArray procSet)
Inject procSetArray
void |
PDFTemplateStructure.setPage(PDPage page)
Sets document page
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PDPage |
This will get the page for this destination.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PDPageDestination.setPage(PDPage page)
Set the page for this destination.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PDPage |
PDOutlineItem.findDestinationPage(PDDocument doc)
This method will attempt to find the page in this PDF document that this outline points to.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PDOutlineItem.setDestination(PDPage page)
A convenience method that will create an XYZ destination using only the defaults.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PDPage |
Get the page that this bead is part of.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PDThreadBead.setPage(PDPage page)
Set the page that this bead is part of.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected PDPage |
PreflightStreamEngine.processedPage |
Constructor and Description |
PreflightContentStream(PreflightContext _context,
PDPage _page) |
PreflightStreamEngine(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page) |
Constructor and Description |
PreflightType3Stream(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page,
PDType3CharProc charProc) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
PageTreeValidationProcess.validatePage(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ShadingPatternValidationProcess.checkColorSpace(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page,
PDShading shadingRes)
Checks if the ColorSapce entry is consistent which rules of the PDF Reference and the ISO 190005-1:2005
protected void |
ShadingPatternValidationProcess.checkGraphicState(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page,
PDShading shadingRes)
Check the Extended Graphic State contains in the ShadingPattern dictionary if it is present.
protected void |
TilingPatternValidationProcess.checkMandatoryFields(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page,
PDTilingPattern pattern)
This method checks if required fields are present.
protected void |
TilingPatternValidationProcess.parsePatternContent(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page,
PDTilingPattern pattern)
Validate the Pattern content like Color and Show Text Operators using an instance of ContentStreamWrapper.
protected void |
TilingPatternValidationProcess.parseResources(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page,
PDTilingPattern pattern) |
protected void |
SinglePageValidationProcess.validateActions(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page)
This method checks additional actions contained in the given Page object.
protected void |
SinglePageValidationProcess.validateAnnotation(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page) |
protected void |
SinglePageValidationProcess.validateColorSpaces(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page)
Check that all ColorSpace present in the Resource dictionary are conforming to the ISO 19005:2005-1
protected void |
SinglePageValidationProcess.validateContent(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page) |
protected void |
SinglePageValidationProcess.validateGraphicObjects(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page)
Check that all XObject references in the PDResource of the page and in the Thumb entry are confirming to the
PDF/A specification.
protected void |
SinglePageValidationProcess.validateGroupTransparency(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page)
Check that the group dictionary doesn't have a Transparency attribute
protected void |
SinglePageValidationProcess.validateResources(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PDPage |
Returns the page.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
PDFTextStripper.endPage(PDPage page)
End a page.
void |
PDFTextStripperByArea.extractRegions(PDPage page)
Process the page to extract the region text.
void |
PDFTextStripper.processPage(PDPage page)
This will process the contents of a page.
protected void |
PDFTextStripper.startPage(PDPage page)
Start a new page.
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