Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationProcess |
PreflightConfiguration.getInstanceOfProcess(String processName)
Return the validation process linked with the given name
void |
Check that PDDocument is a valid file according to the format given during the object creation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected AbstractActionManager |
ActionManagerFactory.createActionManager(PreflightContext ctx,
COSDictionary action,
String aaKey)
Create an instance of ActionManager according to the value of the S entry.
List<AbstractActionManager> |
ActionManagerFactory.getActionManagers(PreflightContext ctx,
COSDictionary dictionary)
This method extract actions from the given dictionary.
List<AbstractActionManager> |
ActionManagerFactory.getNextActions(PreflightContext ctx,
COSDictionary actionDictionary)
Returns all actions contained by the Next entry.
protected boolean |
GoToRemoteAction.innerValid() |
protected boolean |
GoToAction.innerValid() |
protected abstract boolean |
This method must be implemented by inherited classes to process specific validation.
boolean |
Call the
AbstractActionManager.valid(boolean) method with the additionalActionAuth set to false. |
boolean |
AbstractActionManager.valid(boolean additonalActionAuth)
Validate an Action dictionary.
protected boolean |
This method create a list of Action Managers which represent actions in the Next entry of the current action
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected boolean |
Extract a list of ActionManager from the Annotation dictionary and valid them.
protected boolean |
This method checks the AP entry of the Annotation Dictionary.
protected boolean |
Return true if the C field is present in the Annotation dictionary and if the RGB profile is used in the
DestOutputProfile of the OutputIntent dictionary.
protected boolean |
Return true if the IC field is present in the Annotation dictionary and if the RGB profile is used in the
DestOutputProfile of the OutputIntent dictionary.
protected boolean |
Return true if the IC field is present in the Annotation dictionary and if the RGB profile is used in the
DestOutputProfile of the OutputIntent dictionary.
protected boolean |
This method validates the Popup entry.
AnnotationValidator |
AnnotationValidatorFactory.getAnnotationValidator(PreflightContext ctx,
COSDictionary annotDic)
Return an instance of AnnotationValidator.
protected boolean |
Search the RGB Profile in OutputIntents dictionaries
boolean |
In addition of the AnnotationValidator.validate() method, this method executes the checkAAField method.
boolean |
In addition of the AnnotationValidator.validate() method, this method executes the checkIColors method.
boolean |
In addition of the AnnotationValidator.validate() method, this method executes the checkDest method.
boolean |
In addition of the AnnotationValidator.validate() method, this method executes the checkIColors method.
boolean |
Execute validation of the Annotation dictionary.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ContentStreamException |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Process the validation of a PageContent (The page is initialized by the constructor)
void |
PreflightContentStream.validatePatternContentStream(PDTilingPattern pattern)
Process the validation of a Tiling Pattern
void |
PreflightContentStream.validateXObjContentStream(PDFormXObject form)
Process the validation of a XObject Form
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
MissingValidationProcessException |
class |
SyntaxValidationException |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
Extract the single CIDFont from the descendant array.
void |
Type3FontValidator.validate() |
void |
Type0FontValidator.validate() |
void |
Call this method to validate the font wrapped by this object.
abstract void |
FontValidator.validate() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<ValidationResult.ValidationError> |
FontMetaDataValidation.validatePDFAIdentifer(XMPMetadata metadata,
PDFontDescriptor fontDesc) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ICCProfileWrapper |
ICCProfileWrapper.getOrSearchICCProfile(PreflightContext context) |
void |
StandardColorSpaceHelper.validate() |
void |
Process the ColorSpace validation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ValidationException |
SynchronizedMetaDataValidation.schemaAccessException(String target,
Throwable cause)
Return an exception formatted on IOException when accessing on metadata schema
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
SynchronizedMetaDataValidation.analyzeCreationDateProperty(PDDocumentInformation dico,
XMPBasicSchema xmp,
List<ValidationResult.ValidationError> ve)
Analyze if the CreationDate embedded in Document Information dictionary and in XMP properties
are synchronized
protected void |
SynchronizedMetaDataValidation.analyzeModifyDateProperty(PDDocumentInformation dico,
XMPBasicSchema xmp,
List<ValidationResult.ValidationError> ve)
Analyze if the ModifyDate embedded in Document Information dictionary and in XMP properties
are synchronized
List<ValidationResult.ValidationError> |
SynchronizedMetaDataValidation.validateMetadataSynchronization(PDDocument document,
XMPMetadata metadata)
Check if document information entries and XMP information are synchronized
List<ValidationResult.ValidationError> |
PDFAIdentificationValidation.validatePDFAIdentifer(XMPMetadata metadata)
Check if PDFAIdentification is valid
void |
RDFAboutAttributeConcordanceValidation.validateRDFAboutAttributes(XMPMetadata metadata) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
StreamValidationProcess.checkStreamLength(PreflightContext context,
COSObject cObj) |
protected boolean |
BookmarkValidationProcess.exploreOutlineLevel(PreflightContext ctx,
PDOutlineItem inputItem,
COSObject firstObj,
COSObject lastObj)
This method explores the Outline Item Level and calls a validation method on each Outline Item.
void |
XRefValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext ctx) |
void |
ValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext ctx) |
void |
TrailerValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext ctx) |
void |
StreamValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext ctx) |
void |
PageTreeValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext context) |
void |
MetadataValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext ctx) |
void |
FileSpecificationValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext ctx) |
void |
EmptyValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext context) |
void |
CatalogValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext ctx) |
void |
BookmarkValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext ctx) |
void |
AcroFormValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext ctx) |
protected void |
CatalogValidationProcess.validateActions(PreflightContext ctx)
This method validates if OpenAction entry contains forbidden action type.
protected void |
CatalogValidationProcess.validateICCProfile(COSBase destOutputProfile,
Map<COSObjectKey,Boolean> mapDestOutputProfile,
PreflightContext ctx)
This method checks the destOutputProfile which must be a valid ICCProfile.
protected boolean |
BookmarkValidationProcess.validateItem(PreflightContext ctx,
PDOutlineItem inputItem)
This method checks the inputItem dictionary and call the exploreOutlineLevel method on the first child if it is
not null.
protected void |
CatalogValidationProcess.validateLang(PreflightContext ctx)
The Lang element is optional but it is recommended.
protected void |
CatalogValidationProcess.validateNames(PreflightContext ctx)
A Catalog shall not contain the EmbeddedFiles entry.
protected void |
CatalogValidationProcess.validateOCProperties(PreflightContext ctx)
A Catalog shall not contain the OCPProperties (Optional Content Properties) entry.
void |
CatalogValidationProcess.validateOutputIntent(PreflightContext ctx)
This method checks the content of each OutputIntent.
protected void |
PageTreeValidationProcess.validatePage(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page) |
void |
StreamValidationProcess.validateStreamObject(PreflightContext context,
COSObject cObj) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ShadingPatternValidationProcess.checkColorSpace(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page,
PDShading shadingRes)
Checks if the ColorSapce entry is consistent which rules of the PDF Reference and the ISO 190005-1:2005
protected void |
ShadingPatternValidationProcess.checkGraphicState(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page,
PDShading shadingRes)
Check the Extended Graphic State contains in the ShadingPattern dictionary if it is present.
List<COSDictionary> |
ExtGStateValidationProcess.extractExtGStateDictionaries(PreflightContext context,
COSDictionary egsEntry)
Create a list of ExtGState dictionaries using the given Resource dictionary and the COSDocument.
protected void |
TilingPatternValidationProcess.parsePatternContent(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page,
PDTilingPattern pattern)
Validate the Pattern content like Color and Show Text Operators using an instance of ContentStreamWrapper.
protected void |
TilingPatternValidationProcess.parseResources(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page,
PDTilingPattern pattern) |
void |
TilingPatternValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext context) |
void |
SinglePageValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext context) |
void |
ShadingPatternValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext context) |
void |
ResourcesValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext ctx) |
void |
GraphicObjectPageValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext context) |
void |
FontValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext context) |
void |
ExtGStateValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext context)
Validate the ExtGState dictionaries.
void |
DestinationValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext ctx) |
void |
AnnotationValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext context) |
void |
ActionsValidationProcess.validate(PreflightContext context) |
protected void |
SinglePageValidationProcess.validateActions(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page)
This method checks additional actions contained in the given Page object.
protected void |
SinglePageValidationProcess.validateAnnotation(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page) |
protected void |
SinglePageValidationProcess.validateContent(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page) |
protected void |
ResourcesValidationProcess.validateExtGStates(PreflightContext context,
PDResources resources) |
protected void |
ExtGStateValidationProcess.validateFonts(PreflightContext context,
List<COSDictionary> listOfExtGState)
Validate fonts in all ExtGState dictionaries of this container.
protected void |
ResourcesValidationProcess.validateFonts(PreflightContext context,
PDResources resources)
Check that fonts present in the Resources dictionary match with PDF/A-1 rules
protected void |
SinglePageValidationProcess.validateGraphicObjects(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page)
Check that all XObject references in the PDResource of the page and in the Thumb entry are confirming to the
PDF/A specification.
protected void |
SinglePageValidationProcess.validateGroupTransparency(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page)
Check that the group dictionary doesn't have a Transparency attribute
protected void |
SinglePageValidationProcess.validateResources(PreflightContext context,
PDPage page) |
protected void |
ResourcesValidationProcess.validateShadingPattern(PreflightContext context,
PDResources resources)
This method check the Shading entry of the resource dictionary if exists.
protected void |
ResourcesValidationProcess.validateTilingPattern(PreflightContext context,
PDResources resources)
This method check the Shading entry of the resource dictionary if exists.
protected void |
ResourcesValidationProcess.validateXObjects(PreflightContext context,
PDResources resources) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ContextHelper.validateElement(PreflightContext context,
Object element,
String processName)
Check that the element parameter isn't null before calling the
ContextHelper.callValidation(PreflightContext, Object, String) method. |
static void |
ContextHelper.validateElement(PreflightContext context,
String processName)
call directly the
ContextHelper.callValidation(PreflightContext, Object, String) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
XObjImageValidator.checkAlternates() |
protected void |
XObjImageValidator.checkColorSpaceAndImageMask() |
protected void |
XObjImageValidator.checkIntent() |
protected void |
XObjImageValidator.checkInterpolate() |
void |
Process the validation of the XObject.
void |
XObjImageValidator.validate() |
void |
XObjFormValidator.validate() |
void |
AbstractXObjValidator.validate() |
protected void |
An Form XObject is a ContentStream.
protected void |
XObjFormValidator.validateXObjectResources() |
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